Britney Spears Blasts Haters within and outside Family on Instagram

Britney Spearstook a jab at her sister, Jamie Lynn, and her dad, among others, in a recent Instagram post in protest of people questioning her recent dance videos. Getting the first order of business out of the way, Spears announcedshe wouldn't be doing any live shows on stage anytime soon "with my dad handling what

Britney Spears took a jab at her sister, Jamie Lynn, and her dad, among others, in a recent Instagram post in protest of people questioning her recent dance videos. 

Getting the first order of business out of the way, Spears announced she wouldn't be doing any live shows on stage anytime soon "with my dad handling what I wear, say, do, or think."

Spears Is Speaking Out

She added that she'd much rather make videos from her living room instead of going on stage as she'd been working under her father's command for the last 13 years. 

The loaded Instagram post came after Lynn had been criticized by netizens for keeping mum about her sister's conservatorship. 

Spears lawyer, Samuel D. Ingham III, told the court in November 2020 that Spears was afraid of her father, and would not perform again if he was in control of her career. 

In Spears' latest post, she indicated that her life choices were so confined; she wasn't even allowed to go to the spa.

She also reinstated what her lawyer later said. 

I'm not gonna put on heavy makeup and try try try on stage again and not be able to do the real deal with remixes of my songs for years and begging to put my new music in my show for MY fans ... so I quit !!!!

She Still Has Hope

She also disapproved of her sister showing up at the 2017 Radio Disney Music Awards and performing remixes to her songs.

Spears sounded tired when she penned that her "so-called" support system had hurt her deeply and the conservatorship had killed her dreams. Even then, she was positive with her hope. 

She affirmed that she still had hope, and regardless of how people were trying to kill her hopes, she announced that hope was the only thing in the world that was very hard to kill. 

The 'I'm a Slave 4 U' songstress also clarified that she did not like how documentaries brought up humiliating moments from her past. However, she claimed she was past all that and had been for a long time. 

She Intends to File for Conservatorship Abuse

Spears appeared to be hostile towards her followers as well. She told them they were lucky she posted anything at all; if they didn't like what they saw, they could unfollow her. 

Psss if you don’t want to see my precious [expletive] dancing in my living room or it’s not up to your standards ... go read a [expletive] book 📕 !!!!!

As per reports from Newsweek, in her most recent hearing amidst the ongoing legal battle, she voiced her intent to charge her father for conservatorship abuse.

That hearing, in particular, was the first time that Spears had been granted the right to choose her own lawyer since the beginning of her conservatorship in 2008.

